

Making jams at home is a wonderful way to preserve fresh taste that can be enjoyed during any season. Apricot is one of those fruits. You can use fresh apricot to make this jam or dried apricot can be used too. Here I used dried apricot . 

It can be used as jam spread on breads or use as topping over plain custard. My kids like it more as topping on custard as it balances the taste very well.

250 gm dried apricot (Khubani)
3 cups water
1/2 tsp cardamom powder
1/2 tsp cinnamon powder
1 cup sugar
1/4 cup honey

1. Soak apricot in 3 cups of water and keep overnight.

2. Discard seeds from it by gently pressing the apricot. Store water for later use.

3. You can break the seeds and enjoy the nut inside. The nut tastes really good and great for health.
4. Transfer apricot in pan, add sugar, honey, cinnamon and cardamom. Let it cook for first 5 minutes on low flame and then as soon as sugar melts increase the flame to medium to high.

5. Once you see nice caramelized color add leftover apricot water.

6. Mix well, cover and cook for 2-3 minutes.

7. After 5 minutes, open the lid, if you see scum on the edges, discard with the help of spoon. Now cook on high to medium flame and mash it using potato masher or you can use ladle. I like to keep it roughly mashed as it tastes much better than puree. (It's a personal choice and taste, you can blend in mixer and make a puree if wish so).

8. Cook till it become little thick.

9 Don't let it become too thick as after cooling down it becomes more thick.

10. Once it cool down completely, transfer in glass jar and refrigerate.

11. Enjoy as topping on custard, cakes or spread on bread as jam.

12. This can be stored upto one month in fridge.


1. Wash and soak apricot overnight.

2. Remove seeds from soaked apricot and keep water aside.

3. Transfer de-seeded apricot in deep pan . Add sugar.

4. Add honey.

5. Cardamom powder.

6. Cinnamon powder.

7. Cook on low to medium flame till sugar caramelize.

8. Once sugar caramelize add leftover apricot water.

9. Mix well.

10. Cover and cook for 2-3 minutes.

11. Open the lid, if you see scum on the edges.

12. Remove with the help of spoon.

13. Using potato masher, make a rough paste.

14. Once it thicken little bit turn off the flame.

15. Once it cool down, transfer in clean sterilized glass jar. Store in fridge or freezer up to one month.

16. Spread on bread and enjoy as jam.

17. Or spread as topping on plain custard.

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